Artist on Twitter – @KTeeartist Urban Art – Acrylics

I remember following @KTeeartist on twitter and the vibrant red avatar she had, It was only after a few days that I learnt two imperative things, 1. She was not Jeff Salmon; in fact she was a lady artist, and 2. She was a talented artist whose art was as awesome as her long list of films she had worked on!

Yes, @KTeeartist has a 10 year history of working as a prop maker in the film industry, with big names like Harry Potter, Bonds and Captain America to name a few on the list. Yes, @KTeeartist’s creativity has been used in blockbuster films; next time you watch them, be sure to tell your friends! With already a colourful background in art, @KTeeartist decided around 6 months ago, that she would become a full time artist and follow her dream of doing what she loves, in having the freedom in which to do so.

@KTeeartist has a set of paintings on her website, where a selection have been shown in a January 2011 group show at Brick Lane Gallery in London.  I began to get a flavour of @KTeeartist art, the main thoughts I had were that her Urban subject was extremely accessible, an attribute which is very rare in contemporary art today;  an intriguing mixture of reality and irony with regards to subject matter. Technique and interpretation go hand in hand, the way in which “Aimee” is painted; the angle and sudden accented introduction of paint halfway across the canvas gives the idea of the subject emerging from the canvas, coming into our space. For me, this is also a metaphor for the paintings subjective meaning, not purely pictorial. These painting are asking something of us, as a viewer. We see isolated subjects, focal points of the canvas, we as human beings look to judge what has been given to us to look at.  @KTeeartist provides titles with her works, and with a title such as “Innocent Hoodie”, the brilliant mechanism this sets up is that we are forced to take back and re-evaluate any preconceived notions about the image presented and its social meaning within an urban setting.  Would we still have these feelings about the piece if @KTeeartist hadn’t provided us with the title? Maybe, then again, maybe not?

The paintings play with our innate, internal ideas we have, be it about war, politics, our sociology and even our morals. The art is interactive, and as I said before, this compliments its accessibility to the everyday art viewer, which is important when painting such subjects.  We can certainly feel that bold statements are being made, and this is amplified by the use of bold contrasting tones, emanating from a calmer, quieter background colour.
The power of TV and twitter brought @KTeeartist’s attention to the self proclaimed “Demi-God of Four Rooms” Jeff Salmon.  After talking to @KTeeartist about her art, Jeff had 4 of @KTeeartist’s paintings installed in his London Gallery “Decoratum”.  Four Rooms was due for another series and @KTeeartist put the idea to Jeff about having his portrait in his room. “I suggested my idea of a portrait of him for his room, he loved the idea!”  I can certainly see why a portrait of Jeff was a good idea, for me the image is powerful, bold and its deep red surface emanates a quality of danger somehow. Its composition, colour and technique remind me of the iconic, universal “Che Guevara” image. This then serves as a simulacrum, which cleverly at the same time abolishes any prior trend, creating a whole new meaning for itself as an image. Jeff is a successful dealer, a maverick himself, and is coming into contact with old and new narratives constantly; this idea compliments this simulacrum idea nicely.  I liked how my interpretation seemed to be accurate, after seeing Jeff’s approach to dealing in the show! Dice, gambling= risk. “The one you see in the show is a print of the original; the original that hangs in his office is almost 2 meters high!” Yes, a very powerful portrait.

“My personal feelings on politics/war are quite strong so when I first saw a Banksy in 2003 I distinctively remember thinking, Yes! Speak your mind!” I love this. @KTeeartist is using an identifiable style in which to not only question our world, but to be outspoken and this is important for an artist’s point of view and of course the viewer. For what greater act is there, than as an artist creating a subject for debate in which people can question, reflect and most imperatively learn about such rich subjects that society is facing today ? And also, indeed what this may hold for our future generations and the sacrifices people have and will continue to make? The pieces suggest action, especially the soldier piece. The actions taken by others, people’s actions securing other peoples futures, futures being placed in other people’s hands, we are invited to rethink our actions, what will become of it all?

In summary, for me @KTeeartist subjects are a call for understanding, an awareness of what is happening. Her work arouses stirring feelings of poignancy. With all things considered, she is a significantly crucial talent in art who needs to be followed!

@KTeeartist is currently working on finishing her pieces for her first solo exhibition which is set to open at the Decoratum Gallery, Church Street, London this year.  With a new set up to her exhibit and promising bright colour, serving up some serious imagery, why wouldn’t you go and check it out! I know I shall be. You can catch her painting of Jeff in his room on Four Rooms channel 4 Wednesdays at 8pm.

Check out @KTeeartist’s website for all imagery and twitter for exhibition details.
and go Follow! - @KTeeartist


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